Charity Hospital: Back from the dead?

Charity Hospital - New Orleans

[Image © adrastosno all rights reserved.]

This is a bit of really good news! Over at PreservationNation it seems that there is some discussion by RMJM Hillier about rehabilitating Charity Hospital in New Orleans. This 1938 Art Deco building always reminded me of a little bit of Gotham City in the heart of the Crescent. Besides its architectural good looks, I knew many a service industry worker without health care who were able to be treated here without having to worry about repayment, and quite a few LSU medical school students who trained here. In addition, I had a number of friends in the Tulane EMS squad, and they always told me that if I got shot, to ask the ambulance driver to bring me to charity, because they had the best gunshot trauma ward in town.

It remains to be seen if this will ever see the light of day, and in addition, if it does how preservation sensitive the rehabilitation will be.

Author: spencer

I am an architect in the Washington DC metro area.