Corbu, who?

Tomorrow is Black Friday, which means that the Holidays are right around the corner and with them comes the chore of finding the perfect gifts for those you are about. If you are searching for that modernist (or anti-modernist) in your life, you might think that the new biography of Le Corbusier by Nicholas Fox Weber would be the perfect gift. Hold back though, if Phillip Kennicott’s review in this past Sunday’s Washington Post Book Revue section, has any bearing, this new biography of one of the most famous and central figures in the modernist movement, Le Corbusier, might not be for you.

Of course, in this biography the author, Nicholas Fox Weber, spends much of the book focusing on the swiss architect’s poor behavior and fundamental dichotomies between his architectural vision and personal opinions. Kennicott’s review skewers the author complaining that the book is poorly written and almost unedited. In addition, it is his belief that while there deserves to be more written about Le Corbusier, this book focuses too much on the man and his accomplishments, and not enough on the resistance to his revolutionary ideas.

Author: spencer

I am an architect in the Washington DC metro area.