Jumpstarting my life

Tonight I saw Julie and Julia, which after my bout of malaise this week was the perfect impetus I needed. I heartily identified with the character of Jules, I too am in my late 20’s and also feel like I never finish anything I start.

Unlike the main character of this movie, I am not blogging to a deadline or a goal, so instead for me to be successful in jumpstarting this blog, and the two columns I should be writing weekly, I need to set a new series of deadlines and commitments.

Starting Monday I will be posting something 5 days a week and these posts need to be up before noon. This should accomplish two things. One, it will get me up earlier, because I will need time to find something to post about and also be able to write coherently about it will require me to have a few hours of waking time before I post it. Second, this will also get me in a regular routine, which should combat the malaise I’ve been fighting.

I am hopeful that getting myself into a real schedule again will be beneficial for not only this blog and my business, studioSML, but also my health.

Author: spencer

I am an architect in the Washington DC metro area.

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