Farnsworth House 0 Global Warming 1

farnsworth house - flooded

[Image via 33 and a Third.]

Due to unusually heavy rains and flooding caused by the remnants of Ike and Lowell, Mies van der Rohe’s Farnsworth House has 1 foot of standing water in it, according to the National Trust’s Blog PreservationNation. The house is built 5′ off of the ground, so that means there 6′ of flood water. Hopefully, when the water subsides, the damage will be able to be repaired. Donations can be sent here.

This should serve as a reminder to everyone that even though increased hurricane and tropical storm activity mainly affects the coasts, once these storms make in inland, they still drop a lot of water. As storms get stronger and more common there will be more flooding in the nation’s rivers and streams. We are all effected by global climate change.